I’m Naufaldi Rafif S., rooted in the bustling energy of South Jakarta, where I thrive as a product engineer and mentor.

My Journey

My journey in tech is fueled by a passion for front-end development, with a specialization in crafting immersive user experiences through TypeScript and the React/Next.js ecosystem. My commitment to the tech community extends beyond development; having mentored over 200 individuals and built a Twitter following of 14k+, I dedicate myself to sharing knowledge and fostering growth. I’m always open to collaboration and mentorship inquiries, aiming to create impactful connections.

Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, my professional path has been characterized by a dedication to web development, where I utilize Javascript, HTML, CSS, and ReactJS to transform creative visions into reality. My work ensures that the final products are not only visually appealing but also functional and optimized for a broad range of devices and browsers.


Currently, I contribute my expertise as a Mid Frontend Engineer at eFishery, supporting the AI/ML Engineer Team by crafting web-based solutions for data visualization and analysis. My skills in GeoJSON and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allow me to present complex data in an intuitive and compelling manner. Beyond my technical skills, my passion for teaching has led me to mentor aspiring developers at MOFON for over three years, guiding them through the intricacies of web development.

As a seasoned Frontend Engineer, I’m always eager to share my journey and insights, particularly on the latest industry trends. I’m also open to speaking opportunities at events and conferences, looking to expand my impact within the tech community. If you’re interested in collaborating or learning from my experience, don’t hesitate to reach out.